Making it to the End of the Semester
The end of the semester is upon us. Soon we will be able to kick back and enjoy our five weeks off for Winter break. However, getting to the end can seem like an uphill battle with all the tests, projects, and final exams crammed into these last few weeks. In this blog, I want to talk about how you can try and get through the semester and finish strong.
By this point, you are probably feeling burnt out from the constant stream of assignments and studying, however, this is not an excuse to start putting little effort into assignments and stop studying for tests. Starting to be complacent at this point in the semester can be very dangerous regarding grades, even if you are keeping your head above water right now. Now is the time for you to gather your strength for one final push. As mentioned above, a lot of high weight assignments will be due soon, meaning your grade could change quite drastically depending how you do on them.
One way to keep up your academic energy is simply by looking at the calendar every now and then. Doing this can help motivate you to keep working, since you see the time between now and vacation get shorter and shorter. Keeping track of the calendar will also give you a good sense of how much studying you will need to do and what your workload will be like in the next few weeks.
If you have been struggling with a class, it is never too late to reinvent your work and study habits. Fixing the error in your ways now, even this late in the semester, could translate into enough good grades to have a significant impact on your overall grade. To sum this point up, I would say “Never give up.”