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Engineering Fraternities and Sororities

Interested in joining a fraternity or sorority where you will meet a whole bunch of people with a common interest and create lifelong friendships? Well here at Virginia Tech, there are plenty of educational based frats and sororities to choose from. Some of these include Alpha Omega Epsilon, an all-girls engineering sorority, Sigma Phi Delta, an all-guys engineering frat and Alpha Chi Sigma, a coed chemistry frat.

Alpha Omega Epsilon (AOE) is an all-girls professional philanthropy. AOE is a professional development and social sorority. Every engineering major is represented in this sorority and because this society is so big, you will always have at least one sister in every single one of your classes. AOE has a spring rush in the beginning of the 2nd semester unlike most other sororities who have rush right before the 2nd semester begins. Their main fundraiser is called Take It To The Max which is a volleyball tournament in memory of Maxine Turner, a sister who died in the April 16th shooting. This year, the event is happening on October 30th. All funds raised by AOE go to JDRF. The bonds made through AOE with the other sisters are ones that will last forever.

Sigma Phi Delta (SPD), is an all-guys engineering frat. It is also the brother frat to AOE. The two philanthropies do many socials and other activities together. Since everyone in this fraternity is an engineering major, it gives them a special bond. Everyone has something in common and they are all going through the same thing. Brothers are always willing to help each other out and work on homework and projects together. They are a great support group for each other. Throughout the semester, they do many activities to help out around the community such as The Big Event and Relay for Life.

Alpha Chi Sigma is a professional chemistry fraternity. This organization is very popular for chemistry majors and chemical engineers. They accept any major that requires 12 credits of chemistry but you are required to maintain a GPA of at least a 2.0. They are involved in chemistry outreach, tutoring, philanthropy, and social events in the Blacksburg area. Alpha Chi Omega hosts tutoring sessions in Hahn Hall South called Philanthropy. They also go to elementary schools and do experiments for the kids. Some other volunteer activities this organization does to help out the community includes The Big Event, Relay for Life, and volunteering at a nursing home.

The students in these organizations are more likely to have better grades than those who aren’t because of the support systems they are surrounded by. By joining these frats and sororities, you will gain professional experience and build lifelong friendships.

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